Friday 15 November 2013

November TBR


Yes, I know it's basically halfway through the month already but I've only been able to start reading now.

Currently I am reading Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente, which has been quite interesting actually. I am definitely going to write a review on that. Then I plan on reading:

  • A Clash of King ("A Song of Ice And Fire" #2) - George R. R Martin

If the the second book is amazingly captivating I am probably going to end up reading the entire series. If not:

  • The Secret Keeper - Kate Morton

  • Eyrie - Tim Winton

It's not much but seeing as I only have 16 days-ish to read, hopefully I'll get through it all.

Watch my video (where I talk about what I've written basically) here.

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