Monday 4 April 2016

Marching On From March | Monthly Wrap Up

It's the end of March and I did a disappearing act. Again. Bits of posts here and there, but I'm planning and planning and planning! Lots to come, which hopefully means I'm around for longer (and consistently as well). The first month of semester is done and gone, which also means I need to start balancing work, uni and blogging - and as you guys know, that's always a struggle for me. So fingers crossed I somehow pick up my game and deliver!

Also keep an eye out for a "Talking Personal" post where I let you in on what's been happening in my life for the past month!

On The Blog

Top Ten Tuesday

Let's Talk: Discussion Posts

Collective Haul

Not a March "thing" but something I didn't add into last month's wrap up (oops). I collected a ton of books between the end of 2015 and start of 2016, so wanted to show you guys and get excited! Let me know if you've read any of them and if they're worth reading?

Reading Time

No recap video this month. I know, slack right? I did manage to have a decent month of reading though!

Brings that to a grand total of 6 books! I actually got back into the groove of things mid-March, which got me really excited. I picked up some great reads but after finishing Illuminae I ended up having a book hangover and found nothing else interested me. 





How Was Your Month Like?

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