Monday 11 July 2016

Mid Year Review: Best of The Year So Far

We've reached the mid year mark so I'd thought it'd be fun to revisit the first half and see what I've enjoyed sharing with you guys and reflecting on some goal progression. It's been a super fast year already and hopefully the last half will be even more exciting!

Posts To Check Out

Top Ten Tuesday 

Let's Talk 


Favourite Reads

Goal Progress

I said I wasn't going to have specific goals this year but to focus on myself. That we can chat about later. I do think that I am trying to be more consistent with the number of times I post and the timing around it as well. I've gone from posting twice a week to committing to three times a week, so fingers crossed it happens. Also a tentative schedule of every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. New videos on Thursdays as well!!

How Has The Year Been For You?

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