Monday 16 December 2013

The Secret Keeper - Kate Morton

Screen Shot 2013-12-15 at 10.03.56 pmPlot: 

1961 - Laurel, at 16, witnesses a crime from her hideout spot in the treehouse.

2011 - Laurel is now a famous actress but the event from her childhood begins to linger in her mind.

So begins her journey from the past to present, as she finds the answers to questions that have lasted for more than most her life. The lives of Dorothy, Vivien and Jimmy are slowly opened up in a fascinating recount of their sudden encounter during the 1940s.


Kate Morton really hits the marks with her novels and The Secret Keeper is no exception. It makes for a great mystery/crime type of novel that isn't loaded with guts and blood, and disturbing killers. Instead, she takes on adult fiction and puts a twist to it. I find that that makes the novel really interesting and whilst the premise of this certainly doesn't sound any unique, the plot is actually a lot more surprising than expected.

It's a pretty thick read but even with the size (500+  pages) I was really immersed in what was happening. Morton has a way of writing, which really draws me in and leaves me in that world. It's probably the way she paints the scenery and the characters of the novel. I've never really seen how London exists, besides photos, especially "back in the days" but from reading I could make out the countryside and the town in which Dorothy, Vivien and Jimmy exist in. Morton does get a little "artsy" in the way she writes, using really drawn out ways to explain something but it didn't detract from the story so I didn't mind much.

The plot quickens probably from part 3 onwards, which really helps with the intensity of the mystery. I think I got really hooked from that moment and had to finish the novel. The plot twist that came about really made the wait so much better. It really reminded me why I love reading Morton's novels, because she delivers in the end.

I loved Jimmy and Vivien despite the fact that they aren't major characters in the novel. I found Jimmy sweet and Vivien just wholeheartedly good. Dorothy, on the other hand, I could've done without just because she really got my nerves. There has never been a character that was insanely naive and pretty much delusional. She had ambitions but no solid plan and when it all fell apart, well then. Laurel, I felt, was only a vehicle to drive the stories of the three people in the past. She was the predominant narrator but with her moments, they were gateways to the stories that occurred during the 1940s.

The Secret Keeper has left much for me to think about, which I like. I like that I can still think about the plot and the characters involve and sort of mull over what happened. It's mean I was mentally engaged whilst reading, which is what I think most authors would want. It's not my favourite Kate Morton novel but it's definitely a very enjoyable read. I shall forever be her fan if she continues this streak.

Click here to watch my review as well!

Rating: 4/5

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